Pretoria city, South Africa

South Africa Pretoria 2015

Pretoria city, South Africa

Conference Theme: “The Maturing of the Physician Associate: Educational Training & Faculty Development”

Panel Discussion of a Unifying term for the profession: “Accelerated Medically Trained Clinician”, brought a significant range of views and discussion. IAPAE was clearly at the heart of the global development of the family of professions that have emerged over the past 50 years, and was now leading the way in a global discussion about what and how the profession could be utilised.

Keynote speakers for topics of educational programme transition from Diploma to Bachelors to Master’s degree, Faculty development, and District hospital tour with practicing Clinical Associates, Paper Presentations from colleagues around the world, posters presentations and more! We heard from a range of outstanding keynote speakers including Dr Martin Bac, who presented on the role of the Clinical Associate in HIV management and Dr Clemence Marimo in regard to Faculty development.

IAPAE reiterated the goals of the organisation and recommitted to these:

  • To represent Physician Associate educators globally;
  • To develop maintain and share a dynamic repository of knowledge and experience relating to international Physician Associate education;
  • To undertake, commission and disseminate research and other scholarly activity concerning international Physician Associate education;
  • To achieve and maintain a heightened awareness and promote recognition of Physician Associate education amongst national governments and international organisations. 

Our second visit to South Africa was simply a wonderful experience, from the beautiful welcome singing of the students from the Pretoria programme to the excitement of the final day, where the Sub- Committees met with great enthusiasm and hope.

Despite the immense challenges of a conference where we had, keynote speakers miss flights, fail to get visas to travel and sadly for one, being robbed and unable to travel. We managed to pull together a full programme of events and stimulating speakers, covering some fascinating topics. We saw the committees being re-established and each met for about 45 minutes to talk about how they would continue to work following the conference. There were also some very interesting discussions about how IAPAE could develop into a global accrediting body, which was met with a great deal of enthusiasm. The question remains, about how we manage to develop to this position.

As is tradition, at the conclusion of the conference, the Chairman’s cycle of 2 year was rotated, and was passed from Phil Begg to David Fahringer.


IAPAE is a global academy of Physician Associate Educators, established in the year 2008 by a dedicated group of educators and clinicians to bring together physician associates globally to develop and share best educational practices while respecting regional cultures.

Articles: 31

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