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IAPAE Events
IAPAE Annual Conferences
International PA/PA Analogue Educator Meetings
International PA/PA Analogue LOOOP Curriculum Mapping Project
International PA/PA Analogue Educators meet once a month to design and build the PA/PA Analogue LOOOP Curriculum Mapping Project, a long-term effort to map all the global PA/PA Analogue education curricula. IAPAE has a partnership with LOOOP – Learning Opportunities, Objectives and Outcomes Platform, to upload and analyse global curricula with a goal of understanding minimum competencies and accreditation standards for our profession.
Quarterly Webinars
IAPAE conducts online webinars on a quarterly basis to raise awareness and promote education for heath science educators and students. We design the online webinars to include relevant information for all PA/PA Analogue educators, practitioners, students and stakeholders. The webinar is open to IAPAE members.