
The six core activities of IAPAE align with the mission, vision and aims of the organisation

IAPAE strives to represent Physician Associate and PA Analogue educators globally, to develop and maintain a repository of knowledge and experience relating to international Physician Associate education, and to undertake, commission and disseminate research and other scholarly activity concerning international Physician Associate education. IAPAE also aims to achieve and maintain a heightened awareness of Physician Associate education amongst national governments and international organisations. We promote the unification of all PA and PA Analogues through the promotion of a universal global title and international accreditation standards.

Learn more about the six core activities of IAPAE and become involved as a member to contribute to our global effort to recognize and promote this valuable healthcare profession.

International PA and PA Analogue Education Activity

IAPAE is the leading international resource for existing and developing PA and PA Analogue Educational Programs.
International PA Education

Advocacy and Representation Activity

We raise awareness and promote education for all global PA and PA Analogue Educators and Students.

Research and Scholarly Activities

IAPAE commissions, undertakes and shares global PA and PA Analogue Educational Research.
Research & Scholarly Activities
International Accreditation

International Accreditation Activity

IAPAE is developing and promoting international accreditation standards for global PA and PA Analogue education programs.

Repository and Toolbox Activities

We develop and maintain a dynamic repository of PA and PA Analogue learning pedagogies with the general public and IAPAE members.

Global Repository & Toolbox
IAPAE Annual Conferences

IAPAE Annual Conferences Activity

Our annual conference brings together professionals, educators, students, institutions and organizations from across the world.

Get involved in our mission, collaborate with educators from around the world, join the Academy and take part in our annual conference.