16th Annual IAPAE Conference


Join the 15th Annual IAPAE Conference, October 1-4, 2024 in Lynchburg, Virginia, United States

University of Lynchburg Doctor of Medical Science logo for IAPAE Conference Flyer

IAPAE is excited to announce the 15th Annual IAPAE Conference will take place from

01 October to 04 October, 2024 in Lynchburg, Virginia, United States.

This year’s conference will be held on the beautiful campus of the University of Lynchburg, in Lynchburg, Virginia. We are very happy to have co-hosts for the conference including the Master of PA Medicine Program and the Doctor of Medical Science Program.


Schedule of the virtual events and the joining links

The conferences theme is
“Can global physician associate (PA) and PA analogue education adapt to the changing world? Responding with Collaboration, Innovation and Mutual Respect”

IAPAE is delighted to co-host this year’s conference in conjunction with the Master of PA Medicine Program and Doctor of Medical Science Program at the University of Lynchburg in Lynchburg, Virginia, United States to showcase international PA Analogue education with local, regional and international Keynote Speakers, global PA educators, and more!

During this year's conference, we will hold the IAPAE General Annual Meeting with Elections for open Board of Director positions and open Committee Chair positions. Join the Conference and the AGM to have your voice heard in IAPAE.

IAPAE Members receive automatic discount on Conference!

IAPAE invited the submission of abstracts for the Conference Theme or any one of the five Conference Tracks as follows (the deadline has now passed for Abstract Submission):

Track 1: Global PA education changing to global needs
Track 2: Artificial Intelligence and digital literacy in PA education
Track 3: International ethical competencies for PA educators and students
Track 4: Crossing international borders for PA education and clinical practice
Track 5: Developing international curricula and accreditation standard

IAPAE strives to represent all PA Analogue educators from Africa; Asia; Europe and United Kingdom; North, Central and South America; and Oceania. Our Conference highlights topics on global PA Analogue education, learning pedagogies, clinical training, panel discussions, presentation of abstracts, scientific papers, posters, PechaKucha, Palaver stories under the tree and workshops.

IAPAE welcomes the submission of Abstracts for the following categories of Presentations to occur during the 3-day IAPAE conference:
• Oral Scientific Paper Presentation
• Poster Scientific Presentation
• PechaKucha Presentation
• Palaver “stories under the tree” (also called Campfire Presentations) and
• Workshops

More information will be available soon for the Schedule, Registration, Rates and dates for submission of Abstracts for Oral Presentations, Pecha Kucha, Panel Discussions and Workshops. Return to our website soon to learn about the 15th Annual IAPAE Conference for 2024!

IAPAE Conference Registration Rates with Package details

If you are registering for the IAPEA Conference and would like to receive the Member discount on the Conference, first become an IAPAE Member. You will receive an email when membership registration is complete, then you can register for the Conference as an IAPAE member and receive the discount.

For more any questions, email info@iapae.org

Rooms are available to reserve on a first come first serve basis at the Indian Institute of Technology. Cost of Single Occupancy in a room with two double beds and en suite bathroom is 3024 Indian Rupees. Or $37.00 USD per night. Cost of Double Occupancy in a shared room with two double beds and en suite shared bathroom is 1512 Indian Rupees or $18.50 USD per night per person. Once you are registered for the Conference, click here to make a room reservation.

Get involved in our mission, collaborate with educators from around the world, join the Academy and take part in our annual conference.