
Margaret Maina


Margaret Maina is Faculty member and Lecturer at AIC Kijabe College of Health Sciences (KCHS). She Heads the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery as a course coordinator for the Diploma programme at the institution. Prior to joining, she was the Lead Clinical Officer In Charge of Outpatient Department at AIC Kijabe Hospital.

Margaret has provided medical care and educational training as a certified Clinical Officer with qualifications in Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Higher National Diploma in Family Health, Bachelors in Clinical Medicine and Community Health with an ongoing Masters of HealthCare Management and International Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine. She is passionate in training and mentoring clinicians who are thoroughly equipped with knowledge and skills to become agents of change who bring hope to a hurting world through their service to humanity in the steps of the Great Physician.

She participates in curriculum review in the institution and nationally for different programmes, She is part of Quality Assurance team, Chairs Research team and supervises students research projects and works handy with the National regulatory body Clinical Officers Council (COC). She is an active member of Global Association of Clinical Officers and Physicians Associates (GACOPA) and has participated in international Conferences in Malaysia, Gujarat-India, East Africa.

Margaret Maina - Secretary - IAPAE
Margaret Maina - Secretary - IAPAE

Margaret Maina


Margaret Maina is Faculty member and Lecturer at AIC Kijabe College of Health Sciences (KCHS). She Heads the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery as a course coordinator for the Diploma programme at the institution. Prior to joining, she was the Lead Clinical Officer In Charge of Outpatient Department at AIC Kijabe Hospital.

Margaret has provided medical care and educational training as a certified Clinical Officer with qualifications in Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Higher National Diploma in Family Health, Bachelors in Clinical Medicine and Community Health with an ongoing Masters of HealthCare Management and International Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine. She is passionate in training and mentoring clinicians who are thoroughly equipped with knowledge and skills to become agents of change who bring hope to a hurting world through their service to humanity in the steps of the Great Physician.

She participates in curriculum review in the institution and nationally for different programmes, She is part of Quality Assurance team, Chairs Research team and supervises students research projects and works handy with the National regulatory body Clinical Officers Council (COC). She is an active member of Global Association of Clinical Officers and Physicians Associates (GACOPA) and has participated in international Conferences in Malaysia, Gujarat-India, East Africa.

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