Topic Speakers


Scott Smalley

Lecturer, Division of Clinical Associates, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Topic: Global Footprint of Physician Associates and Analogues: Education and Regulation Standards

Scott Smalley is a Lecturer and Faculty Member of the Division of Clinical Associates at University of Witwatersrand. He is the current Immediate Past President of the International Academy of Physician Associate Educators. Mr Smalley organised the Wits Mandatory COVID 19 Vaccination Project during the pandemic. He is the facilitator for the National Clinical Associate Consortium involving stakeholders to mobilize the clinical associate agenda in South Africa. His research involves the global PA/PA Analogue footprint for assessing education, curriculum mapping and competency outcomes leading to clinical practice.

Olaf Ahlers

Anaesthesiologist, Head of Institute for Educational Research at Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg, Neuruppin; Coordinator of the International LOOOP-Network for Educational Research, Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Berlin

Topic:LOOOP: Powerful Curriculum Mapping Tool for Health Science Education

Olaf Ahlers is a Professor for Educational Research in Health Sciences. He established the International LOOOP-Network for Educational Research since 2004. Currently, about 180 Health Science programs from 28 countries are mapped, analysed, modified or developed within this LOOOP network. One of his newest projects is support for IAPAE with analysis of the global PA/PA Analogue footprint for assessing education, curriculum mapping and competency outcomes leading to clinical practice.

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